Friday, February 21, 2020

Compare and contrast two examples of surveillance culture in the Essay

Compare and contrast two examples of surveillance culture in the digital age, drawing on Foucault's notion of disciplinary socie - Essay Example R.D. Laing was a pioneer of various treatments for the then known paranoid schizophrenics. He can be said to be an important tie between Gilles Dileuze and Michel Foucault. He is a concrete reference in 1,000 Plateau's, and is a notable figure 'personal' to both Foucault and Deleuze's respective past's. The following is an essay and analysis on the subject of paranoia as it is a part of a nexus of the "continuous forms of control" [Deleuze, 1992, , 4] . The focus of this analysis, is toward both understanding the causes of this unfortunate condition, and further, the following will examine also how schizophrenia effects those who are families or friends with individuals. Careful consideration in this discussion will be paid to understanding also, the varieties of schizophrenia , and in turn, what can be said to be the degree of severity for this disorder. This paper will begin with a discussion of the debate in the literature on this subject, and proceed to present a discussion of ho w schizophrenia effects the families who surround individuals who suffer from this disorder. Aside from the nexus of relationships involved, focus will also be paid to the issue of current technologies. It can be said that any use of the internet, and second, any use of a basic cell-phone both raise concerns about privacy and security. In both instances, one has to assume that they do not have control over what is being used by supposedly private data. It is a closed 'system' in the Foucault sense. One cannot control the data on either the internet or the telephone, so that one has to begin with the assumption that the subject or consumer does not have control. Likewise, this is an important parallel to skizophrenia. One either has it or they do not. Schizophrenia is a disease which can be effectively controlled. There are a number of medications which allow these individuals some relief from the suffering which is associated with schizophrenia . For the disease itself, the sufferin g of the individual can be seen in terms of having to cope with hallucinations. By this, it is implied in terms of seeing things which are not really there, or hearing voices, and so on [Westen, 1996, p. 593]. One can only imagine how disorienting a state of mind this must be. And, there are different types of schizophrenia in terms of the degrees with which an individual’s reality can become distorted. For example, there is a condition known as paranoia schizophrenia . This is a state of mental reasoning which is directed toward believing in the behaviour of other individuals, and sometimes objects (e.g. radios, trees). That is, it is a state of mind where the individual who is suffering from this disorder, will attribute an ‘order’ or a ‘pattern’ where such an order or pattern simply does not exist [Westen, 1996, p. 593]. The systems stand in an "analogical" relationship with each other. They are are all systems that exhibit "continuous forms of co ntrol". What is controlled, and how it is being controlled varies among "hospital system", "prison system" and the "school system". "On the other hand, the different control mechanisms are inseparable variations, forming a system of variable geometry the language of which is numerical (which doesn't necessarily mean binary)." The current control is the

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Managing Motivation within an Union Setting Essay

Managing Motivation within an Union Setting - Essay Example Also I have tried identify the limitations of the existing practices and further improvements for betterment of work life were suggested. The study of the subject on problems faced by employees in a unionized environment and the need for motivation is of lot of relevance in the present industrial scenario. Especially in U.K where the entire economy of the country is often controlled by powerful unions who define the work approaches to be followed by organizations, often resulting in the slowing down of the economy (Thomas Turner, et al, 2002). Presently however the situation has improved slightly in U.K because of the strong influence of European markets on U.K. economy. Employment relations in U.K, were a victim of improper communication between the stake holders and the stake holders pursuing their own interests rather than the common industry interests. As a result the scene was chaotic and conflicts rose between the Union strongholds, managements of various organizations and the Government. It is almost impossible to single out any part to blame but collectively employment relations suffered greatly, as a result economic growth took the back seat and new employable areas almost vanished. When situation looked grim and almost impossible to repair dramatic changes took place. ... What brought such a sudden change in their attitude is proper dialogue and a establishment of a transparent communication among the stake holders. It is not that there is no communication system previously, They have learnt what are the communication barriers which are hampering the process and they have successfully removed them. In U.S however the situation varies greatly. Because of the difference in social culture and work culture and different work ethics the U.S never really required the presence of unions and hence their presence never really controlled the economy (Helene Mulholland et al, 2007) of U.S nor they had a telling effect in defining work ethics to the managements of organizations. Though unions are meant for supporting the employees cause because many times they are controlling the opportunities and growth opportunities of employees. The call of the day presently in job market is professionalism. Organizations have preferred and are doing so, people with a high degree of professionalism because they expect people with a high degree of professionalism to know their job well and seemingly their efficiency will be better than ordinary employees. Presently opportunities are a plenty for people of high professionalism. Job scenario the present is vastly different from the past in many ways and presently because of the variety and the huge number of opportunities existing employees are often changing their jobs, always on the lookout for a bigger fatter deal( Smitha Gupta & Manisha Agarwal et al, 2007). Previous concepts like safe employment and employee retention for a longer duration are taking backseat. Unions used to play a stellar role in the past to